heyheyy .
todaeeee wheather so damn hot man!
haiss .
wan go school only prespire .
hahaha .
todae is mye ITE gf nuraini bdaeyyy !
happy bdaey girll !
erm , todae i got cca group interview at macperson ite .
i start school todae at 8 .
actually at 9 .
hah !
so mayb going home at 12.30 todae ??
anndd , todae during LPDX (lifeskills lesson) we got watch donno wat movie and free lunch .
heehs .
kaekaee .
tats all for todaee .
going to start lessson soon .
maybbb hahha .
toodless ~
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
heehss .
heyhey peeps .
fyi , tmrw 29 april is nuraini ( mye ITE gf ) bdaeyy .
and on the 2nd may is taneth ( mye ITE gf ) bdaeys .
then on e 2nd may not schoolingg .
mayb both of them making a party to celebrate ?
but sadly i cant come .
:( cant go out mahh .
but im giving them gifts .
i make them~
hahha .
handmade stuff .!
but i hope they like it !!
but i haven complete it yet .
but now im at BISHAN LIBRARY .
as im e wheather is so hot , i and nuraini came here as she return books , while i lepak here for awhile .
lolss .
hmm , tmrw also i have cca interview .
wahh .
at macperson ite .
mye other frens accompany mye so im not alone !
hahaa .
hmm , mayb on dalilah bdaey ( mye sister , besties forever ! ) im giving her handmade stuff too ah .
no need to buy.
waste $$$ . but i dont have moneyy also .
lols .
okae laa .
tats all for todaey .
be update again soon yaaa
tOOdles ! :)
fyi , tmrw 29 april is nuraini ( mye ITE gf ) bdaeyy .
and on the 2nd may is taneth ( mye ITE gf ) bdaeys .
then on e 2nd may not schoolingg .
mayb both of them making a party to celebrate ?
but sadly i cant come .
:( cant go out mahh .
but im giving them gifts .
i make them~
hahha .
handmade stuff .!
but i hope they like it !!
but i haven complete it yet .
but now im at BISHAN LIBRARY .
as im e wheather is so hot , i and nuraini came here as she return books , while i lepak here for awhile .
lolss .
hmm , tmrw also i have cca interview .
wahh .
at macperson ite .
mye other frens accompany mye so im not alone !
hahaa .
hmm , mayb on dalilah bdaey ( mye sister , besties forever ! ) im giving her handmade stuff too ah .
no need to buy.
waste $$$ . but i dont have moneyy also .
lols .
okae laa .
tats all for todaey .
be update again soon yaaa
tOOdles ! :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
im bored so random talks for now!
eyyy peeps !
yikkess .
now im at schl libr ( e computer so old man ! )
wit some frens .
im waiting for mye cca to start at 4pm .
mye other frens accompany mye ,
haha .
so swittt man !
now im boredd nothing to say for now ahh ,
lolss .
i have latin dance laterr .
er , nw 3pm another 1 hour to go .
haiss .
ill be going back at 6 or5 + later .
as tats e normally time for mye cca finish .
haha .
kaekaee .
gtg .
late rppl wan to play .
okae singning off now .
toodless ! :)
yikkess .
now im at schl libr ( e computer so old man ! )
wit some frens .
im waiting for mye cca to start at 4pm .
mye other frens accompany mye ,
haha .
so swittt man !
now im boredd nothing to say for now ahh ,
lolss .
i have latin dance laterr .
er , nw 3pm another 1 hour to go .
haiss .
ill be going back at 6 or5 + later .
as tats e normally time for mye cca finish .
haha .
kaekaee .
gtg .
late rppl wan to play .
okae singning off now .
toodless ! :)
confuseedd and angry !

im confused now !
wat will ue do if ue like a guy form sec schl and ue nvr talk to hym bfore but ue really like hym , miss hym alots .
then came another guy , like ue since nlvl lagyy ..
ask fro stead ??
wahhhh !
im confuseddd.
but i tink i waitt first ahh .
i want study so tat i can achieve mye ambitionn ah .
right not ??!

im really pissed off now ~
a girl from our class follow mye and 2 other girls now!
a girl from our class follow mye and 2 other girls now!
since her fren da taq layan dierr .
naq ikut sini pulakk!
i also dont like her ahh .
muker mcm naq kene plakk tampar nyer budakk ~~
arrrgggg !!
kaekaee .
tats all todae feeling .
but im happy always ah .
hahaa .
kae bye . :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
heyyy ppls .
now im really pissed as i wan to sign up for cca for
school online but e website can's be find .!
**** !! how eyy .
ahh , uat bodoh je ah .
hahah .
going home soon as later cous comi helping out wit project .
yipeee .
todae lepas magrib going nenek bdok house as tmrw got "kenduri arwah"
arwah nyoyang mye mayb tmrw days liow .
we going do pray for all mye family ( see b4 and nvr see b4) tat passed away aredi .
harap2 roh mereke dicucuri allah s.w.t .
mayb staying nenek house for 2 dayss ? mayb .
yess! can see mye baby ( cute little hamster of mine)
hahahaa .
miss him and atuq bdok alots ! ( and of course mye late atoq tamp ) :(
PS : if tmrw got org2 kpo2 ah . aunt2 kakak2 kpo .. mind ur own business .
jage kain korg dulu jgn naq pandai2 jage tepi kain org lain !!!
jgn naq comment anyting bout our problems !!
KPO !!
hmpk ~ ( tis is for mye family which i state them as family of kpo !)
signing off ,
ct nur'aiin ! <3
now im really pissed as i wan to sign up for cca for
school online but e website can's be find .!
**** !! how eyy .
ahh , uat bodoh je ah .
hahah .
going home soon as later cous comi helping out wit project .
yipeee .
todae lepas magrib going nenek bdok house as tmrw got "kenduri arwah"
arwah nyoyang mye mayb tmrw days liow .
we going do pray for all mye family ( see b4 and nvr see b4) tat passed away aredi .
harap2 roh mereke dicucuri allah s.w.t .
mayb staying nenek house for 2 dayss ? mayb .
yess! can see mye baby ( cute little hamster of mine)
hahahaa .
miss him and atuq bdok alots ! ( and of course mye late atoq tamp ) :(
PS : if tmrw got org2 kpo2 ah . aunt2 kakak2 kpo .. mind ur own business .
jage kain korg dulu jgn naq pandai2 jage tepi kain org lain !!!
jgn naq comment anyting bout our problems !!
KPO !!
hmpk ~ ( tis is for mye family which i state them as family of kpo !)
signing off ,
ct nur'aiin ! <3
i miss uee badly!

heyheyy .
during the sunset, i tink of ue .
every nite , i tink of ue ..
i look up e moon , the sky , the stars up high tinking just ue .
as i can't forget ue .
as i lovee ue alotss .
as i have a crush on ue !
and will always ue in mye heart .
i really wan ue to know tat ! <3
now tat i cant mit ue as we in different sch . ue still at e same sch .mye?
no more there ..
i really wan ue to be by mye side, dear !! :( ALWAYSS !!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
heyyy yall ! hahaa . now im at libr tamp . using computer . how i log in ?? using dalilah mye gf usernamee . hahahha . i ask , she give . good hor !! habiskannn balance dierr . hahahaahha . erm , todae school oka ah , mcm biaserr . nothing much . i guess 1 roleplay as a group is coming . OMG !! braperh bnyk proj and roleplayy daaaa . haiss . annd on last saturday i when to a dangdut and pop ye ye consert at mye house there . wow , all e nenek , makcik, kakak (but not age wan) dance and siing . hahhah . boleh tahan . they goyanggggg . woooo , maut . hahah . kaekaee . tats all for todae yaa . have a nice day . i will update again soon . toodles :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Goodbye mye fren ~
heyheyheyy . i know now we are no longer frens but i will always pray that ue will be happy with ur life now as im no longer theree. im so soriee if i do any mistake that make ue hate mye . i hope ue wont hate mye and i wont hate ue .. i tink i hurt ur feelings so much tat ue text mye tat ue wanna break tis friendship .. im soriee. i didnt knw tat it hurt ue . tcaire mye fren . have a nice lifee~! :)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
aiin get bursary ~
helloss . watupswatups yoo ! ysterday tat is saturday on 22may i got get bursarry . dalilahh , evss besties also havee . i was so nervous and paiseyy . lols . kene naek stage , tapy bestt ahh . hahaah ~ guess wat yesterdayy i go to tampiines CC as i get bursaryy . ue know braperr . ader ahh . wan knoww , ask mye urself . tapy bnyk jugakk ahh . alhamdulillah .~ im happy. dad proud .. cheyyy ! kaekaee . tats all ! :)
heyheyy bloggeepss!! FINALLY mye product presentation tat i want waiting for is over and done with ! haiss , da lah i stage fright ! scaryy man ! haiss e cher pulaq bnyk nahh complain. taq de eye contact la . kalw anuh eye contact pun i look up seyy . hahahahaa , takut gylerr seyy . nervous lagyy . alhamdullilahh . but she say i well prepared ! heehss . googgood !! okaeokaeee . now im hearing youtube from AKEDEMI FANTASIA latest videoo . lolss . tmrw skool! weee ~ :) lols . taq laaa best nahh kann . i miss mye secondaryy frennss !! foreverr !! just now also got roleplayy . it ws fun as is about service breakdownn . cam customer buat problemm . then e manager solve , e staff and supervisor jahhat . at is how mye script looks likee ahh . kaekaee tats all for todaee pplss .. as tats all wat happen todaee . okaeoakeee . tcairee . wan hear from mye ? wait for the next update kaee . hugg and loveees . CTNUR'AIIN <3
heyyyoo . heehs lameeoo .
heyyy all peeeps !
haah ..
knw watt ,
mye RES roleplay is on 2nd mayy .
but mummy say tat nxt monday was public holidayy !
isit even true ?
know whye .
i dont wan go schl bck when its holidayy !
ahhhhrrrggg . leceh seyy .
hais , i took e wrong date seyy ..
walowww weii !
ey just now i meet mye 2 besties .
dalilah and rui xuan ..
dalilah and mye eat at WENDY'S .
hah .
knw who treat kalw bukan gf tu dalilahh .
hahaha .
baik ahh dier .
lucky to have fren like tat . BESTFREN FOREVERRR . girlfrennnss .
haha .
dpt mkan fwee . saperh taq naq kan . hahaah.
lolsss .
taq laaa .
im not taking chances okaee she wan treat , i say YES ah .
rezeki jgn ditolakk .
btol taq ?
hahaahh ..
kaekaee ahh .
nites aredii .
mayb tmrw i wan lepak at dalilah house ahh .
kaekae .
wan close arediie .
nITES ! :)
haah ..
knw watt ,
mye RES roleplay is on 2nd mayy .
but mummy say tat nxt monday was public holidayy !
isit even true ?
know whye .
i dont wan go schl bck when its holidayy !
ahhhhrrrggg . leceh seyy .
hais , i took e wrong date seyy ..
walowww weii !
ey just now i meet mye 2 besties .
dalilah and rui xuan ..
dalilah and mye eat at WENDY'S .
hah .
knw who treat kalw bukan gf tu dalilahh .
hahaha .
baik ahh dier .
lucky to have fren like tat . BESTFREN FOREVERRR . girlfrennnss .
haha .
dpt mkan fwee . saperh taq naq kan . hahaah.
lolsss .
taq laaa .
im not taking chances okaee she wan treat , i say YES ah .
rezeki jgn ditolakk .
btol taq ?
hahaahh ..
kaekaee ahh .
nites aredii .
mayb tmrw i wan lepak at dalilah house ahh .
kaekae .
wan close arediie .
nITES ! :)
haha .
guess wat ppls .
im done wit mye RES project .
alittle touchup and scripts only to be done .
hahaha . nice ue knw .
its amazing ! woohooo .
thanks to cous for helpiing mye out yooo ! im so happy .
mye RES project is on
- 23 may 2011
RES rolelay is on
- 2 may 2011
and its going to be mine turnn . hope i can do it right and perfect . and get "A" !!
and PASS !!
i hope22 .
insyallah !
amin .!!
okae laah .
tats all .
later goiing to grands bdok house .
after isyakk .
yippee .
i miss atuq BDOK AND ARWAHYARHAM ATUQ TAMPINESS and hamster arediee .
hahaha :(.
kaeees .
HUGGGG .! <3
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